One-step trimming and finishing for athletic mouth guards, bleaching trays, and reline materials. They eliminate flaming and provide a smooth, satin finish. Nothing is faster or easier. The satin polishers are available mounted for quick trimming and finishing. We also offer a 4" lathe double-ply laboratory wheel.

  1. Mounted Satin Buff (L-101-SMB)
  2. Mounted Satin Wheel (L-101-SMW)
  3. Mounted Satin Point (L-101-SMP)
  4. 4" Lathe Satin Wheel (L-101-SB)
 Item #  Type
 L-101-SMW  Mounted Satin Wheel, Pkg. 12
 L-101-SMB  Mounted Satin Buff, Pkg. 12
 L-101-SMP  Mounted Satin Point, Pkg. 12
 L-101-SMC  Combo Pkg. (4 ea., mounted)
 L-101-SB  Lathe Satin Wheel, Pkg. 3