Coarse and X-Coarse: Gross reduction and shaping
Medium: Less reduction, smoother finish
Fine: Polishing, smoothing surfaces
X-Fine: High polish, luster
Magnum Polisher: Used with paste, polishing agent for ultra shine,
metals, porcelain
Moore-Flex Composite Polishing System: Contouring, trimming,
finishing and polishing composites to a glass-like finish using color
coded discs
Cuttle: Gold, amalgams, proximal surfaces and wherever a satin
finish polish is desired
Silicon Carbide (Waterproof and Emery): Grinding and shaping
acrylics, porcelain, and metals
Garnet: Acrylic resins, general purpose
Sand: Contouring, smoothing acrylics, gold
Magnum Silicon Carbide: Porcelain reduction, acrylics, sprue
Magnum Aluminum Oxide: Trimming non-precious metals, used for
temporaries and other acrylics, fine and medium grits will remove orthodontic
cement (bonding material)