applications list for abrasives

Coarse and X-Coarse:
Gross reduction and shaping
Medium: Less reduction, smoother finish
Fine: Polishing, smoothing surfaces
X-Fine: High polish, luster
Magnum Polisher: Used with paste, polishing agent for ultra shine, metals, porcelain
Moore-Flex Composite Polishing System: Contouring, trimming, finishing and polishing composites to a glass-like finish using color coded discs
Cuttle: Gold, amalgams, proximal surfaces and wherever a satin finish polish is desired
Silicon Carbide (Waterproof and Emery): Grinding and shaping acrylics, porcelain, and metals
Garnet: Acrylic resins, general purpose
Sand: Contouring, smoothing acrylics, gold
Magnum Silicon Carbide: Porcelain reduction, acrylics, sprue removal
Magnum Aluminum Oxide: Trimming non-precious metals, used for temporaries and other acrylics, fine and medium grits will remove orthodontic cement (bonding material)

Application for use of E.C. MOORE Discs should be used with predisposing factors e.g. type of material, surface, finish desired, size, and shape of surface. Each practitioner will have personal preferences depending upon habit and experience patterns. Our "Suggested Idea List" is meant to help our customers and is not limiting any other use of our discs. If you have other suggestions, please let us know. We value your opinion.